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Friday, February 22, 2013

Get informed: sahara shimmer and animism

February 2013
get informed
sahara shimmer and animism
sahara shimmer details 1 2 3
Besides a perfect fit our lingerie often includes unique pieces of jewellery!
A small feather ornament that is developed using an injection moulding technique is placed in the two cups.
The artwork of this pattern is developed by Marlies Dekkers using the immense diverse wildlife of Africa as her inspiration. The exclusive pattern is even processed in the shoulder straps.
Every one of our fringes is custom-made, after which they are cut and trimmed into different shapes and sizes. Using the laser cut technique we ensure that the end of the fringes is properly sealed guaranteeing a high quality.
1 2 animism
To achieve a subtle colour flow we used a digital print for this collection. Digital printing is computerised printing allowing a more detailed and realistic outcome. The artwork for this collection consists of six instead of, the more common, one layer in which each layer has its own colour and pattern.
Four different components and techniques are used for these ornaments. Before the designs were sent to the supplier, Marlies Dekkers made a paper version by hand of each component allowing her to determine which combination of ornaments were workable and see the outcome.
marlies|dekkers award 2013
To celebrate her twenty year anniversary Marlies Dekkers introduced the marlies|dekkers award which is introduced to motivate and inspire female artists. Marlies Dekkers handed out the award to Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva. She was able to translate the inspiration behind one of the marlies|dekkers collection in the most creative manner.


"My drawing is inspired by Marlies Dekkers' collection "The Muse". For me "The Muse" is not an object. "The Muse" is a person who inspires others as well as herself. From my point of view it's a very powerful female image. My story is a dark strange dream about finding this power in one's own self. It's about love and hesitation. It's about memories and fears. And what is important it's about self-determination, about excepting oneself as a whole person with all the monsters and ghosts, that one can find inside"
the forest
share your birthday wishes
2013 is the year where Marlies Dekkers celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the marlies|dekkers brand. As a true fan you have the opportunity to give her your best wishes in the most creative manner. Write it on a post-it and take a picture, tell us your favourite design from these last 20 years or just write her a sweet note on our Facebook page. You can send it all to and the most inspiring wishes will be placed on our Facebook page in March. Of course we will spoil the most creative fans with a prize so make sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page and Newsletter where we will be announcing the winners.
CLICK HERE to visit the official marlies|dekkers Facebook page.
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